
rfswitchatt.mobileRFswitchATT.mobile Automated Reconfigurable Microwave Attenuator with GPS localization – developed by TeleMobile Labs


slideShow_22 RFswitchATT is an innovative, remote-controlled attenuator which faciliates test automation at RF laboratories.

RF Laboratories

slideShow_22 TeleMobile Labs develops, equips and integrates unique European laboratories radio access networks for mobile operators


slideShow_3 TML Resource Managment System is the software which makes it possible to book the desired lab resources for testing needs and to organise work efficiently.


dacia Drive Tests, Troubleshooting, Post-processing, Reporting & Big Data Analysis

IP Networking

IP networkingWe provide comprehensive, professional IP network designing.


We offer professional services within TEST AUTOMATION, inter alia design and integration of lab testing environments, measuring and analysing (also outside the lab), maintaning and managing devices and RF & Microwave parts.

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We design and construct advanced devices/programmes/scripts for test automation from the idea to its construction (equipment and software). The examples of our successful operation are our products, i.e.: RFswitchATT, RFswitchGEAR as well as specialist software TML_RMS.

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14 / 02 / 2019

Meet us at the MWC 2019 TeleMobile is happy to announce that we will…

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